Access to Moodle - Overview


Last Update pirms 3 gadiem

On This Page:
  • Access for Students
  • Access for Teaching Assistants
  • Access for Instructors, Co-Instructors and Other Instructional Staff
  • Designer Access for Non-instructional Assistants
  • Contributor Access
  • Temporary Speaker Access
  • Guest Access
  • Assign Roles to Individuals in Your Moodle Course

Access for Students

Once a Moodle course has been requested and created, students who are registered in the class in Knack by filling the registration form and approved for enrolment, are automatically added to the Moodle roster. Moodle rosters are updated each hour with enrollment data from KNACK.

Access for Administrative Assistants

By default, all AAs automatically receive access to Moodle in the role of Non-editing Teacher, which allows them to access student resources and activities. If a Administrative assistants needs to upload materials or add activities to a Moodle course, the instructor can add the Course Designer role for that individual

Access for Instructors, Co-Instructors and Other Instructional Staff

Faculty and other instructional staff associated with a class in Moodle receive unlimited access to Moodle's design and teaching tools. This includes Primary Instructors and Section Assistants.

Course Access by Special Request

Designer Access for Non-instructional Assistants

Instructors can make arrangements to allow Course Designer access for colleagues, staff, or student assistants who are not enrolled in Moodle but will be helping to build the course. This role does not grant access to the gradebook. To arrange for Course Designer access, the Primary Instructor must complete the Course Designer Access form.

Temporary Speaker Access

Instructors can request Temporary Speaker access for guest speakers who do not have an active Moodle Account. Temporary access is granted for a maximum of one (1) week and enables a guest to participate in online discussions or chats

Course Access Managed by Instructor

Guest Access

Instructors can enable limited Guest Access to their own courses. Guests have read-only privileges and cannot interact with students or view student contributions to a course

Assign Roles to Enrolled Individuals in Your Moodle Course

Instructors can add certain abilities for a user already enrolled in their course

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